
Kosovo Google maps and Driving Directions

Get free driving directions, Google maps, traffic information for Kosovo, and Pristina (GPS: 42 40 N 21 10 E), the capital city of the country located in (the) Southeast Europe, between Serbia and Macedonia.

Find any address in Pristina on the Google map of Kosovo (KV) with ease or calculate your up to date itinerary to and from Kosovo or its neighboring counties like Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia.

Sightseeing and exploring in Europe starts here, thanks to Google because its Earth Engine combines a multi-petabyte catalog of updated satellite imagery and geospatial datasets with planetary-scale analysis capabilities. Wonder the world, use the satellite map function of the Google maps to explore or see differences on the Earth’s surface, inland, or the surrounding areas of Kosovo.

Google Maps Kosovo

Once part of the former Yugoslav state, Kosovo seceded from Serbia in 2008. International recognition, mainly from Western countries, is strongly opposed by Serbia and Russia.

Kosovo is flat fluvial basin at an elevation of 400-700 m above sea level surrounded by several high mountain ranges with elevations of 2,000 to 2,500 m.

The map above fully covers Kosovo with its road routes from cities to towns, road intersections in any region, provinces, prefectures, also with free driving directions in Pristina or to the neighboring towns and countries. To look at the detailed map about a particular quarter in Pristina, please click on the area and zoom to the place you are interested in the Google maps of Kosovo (KV).

Be creative, use the extras of this Google map; This is a detailed, clear, zoomable, large road map of Kosovo with its administrative divisions; 38 municipalities (komunat, singular – komuna (Albanian); opstine, singular – opstina (Serbian)); Decan (Decani), Dragash (Dragas), Ferizaj (Urosevac), Fushe Kosove (Kosovo Polje), Gjakove (Dakovica), Gjilan (Gnjilane), Gllogovc (Glogovac), Gracanice (Gracanica), Hani i Elezit (Deneral Jankovic), Istog (Istok), Junik, Kacanik, Kamenice (Kamenica), Kline (Klina), Kllokot (Klokot), Leposaviq (Leposavic), Lipjan (Lipljan), Malisheve (Malisevo), Mamushe (Mamusa), Mitrovice e Jug (Juzna Mitrovica) [South Mitrovica], Mitrovice e Veriut (Severna Mitrovica) [North Mitrovica], Novoberde (Novo Brdo), Obiliq (Obilic), Partesh (Partes), Peje (Pec), Podujeve (Podujevo), Prishtine (Pristina), Prizren, Rahovec (Orahovac), Ranillug (Ranilug), Shterpce (Strpce), Shtime (Stimlje), Skenderaj (Srbica), Suhareke (Suva Reka), Viti (Vitina), Vushtrri (Vucitrn), Zubin Potok, Zvecan.

The interactive map above is also may be used as the satellite map of Kosovo, or as a reverse search map for finding an address from its GPS coordinates.

Kosovo located in Southeast Europe, between Serbia and Macedonia.

Kosovo (area: 10 887 sq km / 4 203,49 sq mi), where the official language is Albanian, Serbian, lying in Europe and using the currency; Euro (EUR), since 2002, set their clock to UTC+1. That means they are 6 hours ahead of Washington DC during Standard Time in Pristina, the capital. Note to the time difference: Daylight saving time: +1hr begins last Sunday in March; ends last Sunday in October.

The climate in Kosovo; Continental, with warm, sunny summers and cold, snowy winters.

Geography in a nutshell; Landlocked and mountainous, with two plains in the east and west.

Click here for more detailed information about Kosovo.

Driving directions Kosovo

The Google maps and Google Satellite maps of Kosovo above showing the country, located next to Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia. For your further reference, the latitude and longitude coordinates of Kosovo are 42 35 N, 21 00 E , while the capital, Pristina found at 42 40 N 21 10 E.

When you are traveling around Kosovo, Pristina, or its other cities, use this routing tool, providing up to date route planning service free of charge.

Look no further; get accurate driving directions in Kosovo, Europe, by filling the route planner form below.

Since Google acquired and introduced its digitalized maps in 2004, you’re probably familiar with its base functions, like finding an address or driving directions to locations. Still, Google maps also accommodate bicyclists, pedestrians, and also public transportation with special directions and customizable routes.

About Kosovo and the capital, Pristina

Flag of Kosovo Schematic map of Kosovo
The national flag of Kosovo Borderline map of Kosovo
Flag description: centered on a dark blue field is the geographical shape of Kosovo in a gold color surmounted by six white, five-pointed stars arrayed in a slight arc; each star represents one of the major ethnic groups of Kosovo: Albanians, Serbs, Turks, Gorani, Roma, and Bosniaks. Border length: total: 714 km. Border countries (total: 4): Albania 112 km, Macedonia 160 km, Montenegro 76 km, Serbia 366 km.

Did you know about Kosovo?

  • Formerly part of Yugoslavia and then Serbia, Kosovo came under United Nations administration in 1999. Kosovo declared independence in February, 2008.
  • The UN administered Kosovo in 1999–2008 after NATO intervention to stop Serb ethnic cleansing.
  • Kosovo has a lower-middle-income economy and has experienced solid economic growth over the last decade by international financial institutions.

Facts of Kosovo (KV)

Name conventional long form: Republic of Kosovo, conventional short form: Kosovo, local long form: Republika e Kosoves (Republika Kosovo), local short form: Kosova (Kosovo), etymology: name derives from the Serbian “kos” meaning “blackbird,” an ellipsis (linguistic omission) for “kosove polje” or “field of the blackbirds”
Codes: ISO; KV, Internet; N/A
Capital city: Pristina
Language(s): Albanian (official language) 94.5%, Bosnian 1.7%, Serbian (official language) 1.6%, Turkish 1.1%, other 0.9% (includes Romani), unspecified 0.1%. Note: in municipalities where a community’s mother tongue is not one of Kosovo’s official language languages, the language of that community may be given official language status according to the 2006 Law on the Use of Languages (2011 estimate)
National holiday(s): Independence Day, 17 February (2008)
Motto: N/A
Currency: Euro (EUR), since 2002
GPS: 42 35 N, 21 00 E, Pristina; 42 40 N 21 10 E
Location: Southeast Europe, between Serbia and Macedonia
Geography note: the 41-km long Nerodimka River divides into two branches each of which flows into a different sea: the northern branch flows into the Sitnica River, which via the Ibar, Morava, and Danube Rivers ultimately flows into the Black Sea; the southern branch flows via the Lepenac and Vardar Rivers into the Aegean Sea
Land boundaries: Albania 112 km, Macedonia 160 km, Montenegro 76 km, Serbia 366 km, total: 714 km
Maritime boundaries: N/A
Coastline: 0 km (landlocked country)
Area: total: 10,887 sq km; land: 10,887 sq km, water: 0 sq km (total 4 203,49 mi2), slightly larger than Delaware.
Roadways: total: 2,003 km, paved: 1,883 km (includes 38 km of expressways), unpaved: 120 km (2014)
Waterways: N/A
Local time (capital): UTC+1, 6 hours ahead of Washington DC during Standard Time
Note to the local time: Daylight saving time: +1hr begins last Sunday in March; ends last Sunday in October
Population in Kosovo: 1 797 151
Population in Pristina: 400 000 (including the metropolitan areas)
Urbanization: N/A
Major urban areas population: PRISTINA (capital) 207,062 (2014)
Population growth rate: N/A
Birth rate: N/A
Death rate: N/A
Age structure:
0-14 years: 25.39% (male 248,366 / female 229,732) 15-24 years: 17.38% (male 171,363 / female 155,928) 25-54 years: 42.43% (male 421,620 / female 377,362) 55-64 years: 7.65% (male 72,444 / female 71,659) 65 years and over: 7.15% (male 56,407 / female 78,137) (2016 estimate)
Median age: total: 28.7 years; male: 28.3 years, female: 29 years (2016 estimate)
Ethnic groups: Albanians 92.9%, Bosniaks 1.6%, Serbs 1.5%, Turk 1.1%, Ashkali 0.9%, Egyptian 0.7%, Gorani 0.6%, Roma 0.5%, other/unspecified 0.2%note: these estimates may under-represent Serb, Roma, and some other ethnic minorities because they are based on the 2011 Kosovo national census, which excluded northern Kosovo (a largely Serb-inhabited region) and was partially boycotted by Serb and Roma communities in southern Kosovo (2011 estimate)
Religions: Muslim 95.6%, Roman Catholic 2.2%, Orthodox 1.5%, other 0.07%, none 0.07%, unspecified 0.6% (2011 estimate)
Government type: Parliamentary republic
Legal system: civil law system; note- the European Union Rule of Law Mission (EULEX) retains limited executive powers related to the investigation of such issues as war crimes
National anthem: Evropa (Europa)
Known national hazards: N/A
Major infectious diseases: N/A
Land use: agricultural land: 52.8%; arable land 27.4%; permanent crops 1.9%; permanent pasture 23.5%; forest: 41.7%; other: 5.5% (2001 estimate)
Agricultural products: wheat, corn, berries, potatoes, peppers, fruit; dairy, livestock; fish
Industries: mineral mining, construction materials, base metals, leather, machinery, appliances, foodstuffs and beverages, textiles
Export commodities: mining and processed metal products, scrap metals, leather products, machinery, appliances, prepared foodstuffs, beverages and tobacco, vegetable products, textiles and apparel
Main export partners: Italy 25.8%, Albania 14.6%, Macedonia 9.6%, China 5.5%, Germany 5.4%, Switzerland 5.4%, Turkey 4.1% (2012 estimate)
Import commodities:
foodstuffs, livestock, wood, petroleum, chemicals, machinery, minerals, textiles, stone, ceramic and glass products, electrical equipment
Main import partners: Germany 11.9%, Macedonia 11.5%, Serbia 11.1%, Italy 8.5%, Turkey 9%, China 6.4%, Albania 4.4% (2012 estimate)

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