Google Maps

Google Maps is free and one of the most useful tools you may use while traveling or just cruising around your city and looking for a particular site or point of interest. Since Google purchased those maps in 2004, digitalized them, and continuously updated them in more than 220 countries worldwide, it has probably become one of the most popular online travel assistant tools on the internet.

Don’t forget that the Google map below is more than just an address search utility. You may use it as a satellite imagery tool (satellite map – the Earth’s surface recorded from the view of a satellite and compiled into a searchable, scrollable, zoomable map), as a street view tool, a simple but very comprehensive place or address search application, or a GPS coordinate reverse search utility.

Are you planning to reach a destination in a possibly traffic-hit area? Here is a free, live traffic information map by Google for your service to easily beat traffic jams.

Thanks to the notorious updates and developments, Google Maps offers new options to discover our world in the comfort of our armchairs. Do not hesitate; explore the world now!

Google maps

© 2019-2024 Google™, Google Maps™. All Rights Reserved.

You may use the map search function above if you want a particular address in your (or another) country. Still, suppose you are interested in other cultures and nations’ information like geography, the capital city, location, historical, economic, environmental, and dozens of other country-related data. In that case, we encourage you to visit the country-designated Google map pages that you may find easily by visiting the menu named “Country maps & facts”, sitemap, or simply using the search function on the top-right section of the page.

The most searched countries on this page are the United States of America, Canada, Australia, South Africa, India, Italy, Spain, and Pakistan Google Maps.

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